Characteristics of Research in Commerce


Characteristics of Research 

 It is clear that the research is a process of collecting, analysing and interpreting information to answer questions. But any process to be research should have some common characteristics. These are as follows:
Deepak Pathasala

(1) Original: Research is original. It produces new knowledge or adds something new to the existing stock of knowledge.

(2) Systematic Activity: Research is an organised study. There is a definite procedure in which research is conducted. It involves a series of steps with logical arrangements such as: (i) defining the research problem, (ii) determining the sources of information, (iii) collection of data, (iv) Tabulation of data, (v) analysis and interpretation of data and (vi) preparing the research report. Each step is inter-related and inter-dependent. Thus, research is highly organised and systematic activity.

(3) Analytical and Critical: Research is to go deeper and deeper into the idea. In research, there is critical analysis of all the data used so that there is no error in their interpretation.

(4) Empirical: Research is based on empirical evidences and observations. Each step in the research has been tested with accuracy and is based on real life

(5) Controlled: In real life experience, there are many factors that affect an outcome. A single event is often a result of several factors. When similar event is tested in research, due to the broader nature of factors that effect that event some factors are taken as controlled factors while others are tested for a possible effect.

(6) Logical: Research is based on valid procedures and principles. It is guided by the rules of logical reasoning.

(7) Cyclical: Research is a cyclical process. It starts with a problem and ends also with a problem to be studied further.

(8) Replicable: In research if design and procedures are repeated, the researcher arrives at same duplicate results.

(9) Goal Directed: Research is always purposeful. It is arriving at a purpose by
following procedures.

(10) Needs Patience: Research is a time consuming activity as it is an organised, planned and critical enquiry. Thus, it needs patience. 

(11) Requires Courage: A researcher may bring out conclusions that may be against
popular beliefs and bring social disapproval.


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